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A Gio Ponti Architecture Itinerary


提及米蘭這座城市你會聯想到什麼?深厚的文化底蘊,讓人心神嚮往的生活風格,又或是悠長而豐沛的歷史背景?有太多太多的誘因值得造訪米蘭,能親眼目睹當代設計之父Gio Ponti的創作便是一個絕佳的理由。

時常被形容為多產工作狂,Gio Ponti觸及的領域相當廣泛,從建築、工業設計、藝術、教育甚至是出版,這位出生,成長於米蘭的當代通才作品遍及全球。

擁有同時理性卻複雜的設計語言,Gio Ponti崛起的年代正好是極簡與實用主義濫殤之時,然而他獨鍾形式之美,熱愛悅目的色調與空間感,認為功能性與裝飾性共存,才是最佳化的設計。

在Gio Ponti摯愛的家鄉,我們跟隨著他的腳步,回顧其一生的美學發展史。沐浴在米蘭初春的和煦陽光之下,這幅以Gio Ponti建築作品為主軸的散步地圖就此開展。

Milan is a mesmerizing city renowned for its culture, lifestyle and history. There are at countless reasons to visit but we managed to narrow them down to one: discovering the eclectic creations of Milanese polymath Gio Ponti.

- The Modern Renaissance Man

Gio Ponti is often considered as the father of Italian design, with a prolific, diverse career path that extends over architecture (in 13 countries), industrial design (worked for 120 companies), art (with thousands of drawings), education (lectured in 24 countries) and publishing (produced over 500 issues).


- Decorative Modernism

Gio Ponti’s design language is rational and complex. When the world praised for Modernism’s analytical approach to the function, Ponti, as an advent propagandist, insisted that decoration and modern ideas were not incongruous. He applied his interdisciplinary creativity in sourcing materials and playing with forms, with a conviction that design should satisfy both utilitarian and aesthetic considerations.

- A Journey Linked To His Birth place

Born and raised in Milan, the city is the foundation of Gio Ponti’s lengthy career. Our itinerary aims to retrace Ponti’s design revolution, and to discover his influences on his hometown.


Montedoria Building  II  Via Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, 25

在熱鬧的米蘭中央車站不遠處, Montedoria大樓靜謐的坐落於巷弄之間,綠如翡翠的陶瓷磚牆映入眼底,猶如小說從未被從未被定義的神秘住居,讓人捨不得移開視線 。 在日落將至的迷幻時刻,Gio Ponti向我們展演了極具前瞻性的另一種空間面向。

You’ll be stunned by the emerald green ceramic tiles. It is tranquil and poetic. It glows under the late afternoon sunlight. Montedoria Building is the evidence that Gio Ponti was the man with a vision that is ahead of his time.


Ponti House via Dezza II Via Vincezo Foppa, 6

繽紛猶如蒙德里安畫作,位於via Dezza的這棟建築是Gio Ponti生前與妻子與四位子女公同生活的最後一處居所。簡練線條與對比色彩相得益彰,自由錯落的色塊蘊含著隨機即興的韻律。

With a colorful façade that resembles a Mondrian Painting, the house on via Dezza is Gio Ponti’s final residence. The vivacity of the building was defined by contrast of color, texture and light. It is balanced and experimental at the same time.


Pirelli Tower  II  Via Fabio Filzi, 22

倍耐力摩天大樓是Gio Ponti最具代表性的作品,這棟建築為米蘭當代設計發展史留下讓人難以忽視的驚嘆號,也是這座城市在戰後重生的象徵。由上至下俯瞰時能清楚看見的多邊形結構讓人聯想到Gio Ponti曾說過的名言:“建築純粹如結晶。”

As Ponti’s most renowned achievement, the Pirelli Tower is the landmark of Milan and a symbol of its post-war reconstruction. The polygonal, enlongated diamond shape (if viewed from above) structure echoes Ponti’s famous quote: “Architecture is crystal.”


Montecatini Building  II  Via della Moscova, 12

從未停止對於材質的探索,Gio Ponti運用了鋁金屬與阿爾卑斯山大理石妝點位於米蘭商業區的Montecatini大樓。擁有淺綠色紋路的大理石得以凸顯建物本身的層次感,幾何造型鋁金屬平面窗框和古典風格的柱狀照明燈別具特色。

As an experimenter with new materials, Gio Ponti incorporated the use of aluminium and Apuan marble for Montecatini building in 1936. The geometrical details on the façade, the contrast betwal metal and mineral are something more than intriguing.


Torre Branca  II  Viale Luigi Camoens, 2

由Gio Ponti建造的Torre Branca (布蘭卡塔) 位於米蘭著名的森皮奧內公園,這座灰白色的高塔原先是第五屆米蘭三年展的其中一項展品。在晴朗的日子搭乘電梯至頂端平台能遠眺阿爾卑斯山,整座城市的風景盡收眼底。

Located inside of Parco Sempione, Milan’s main city park, the extraordinary tower was constructed for the Milan Triennale. The lift take you up and offer you a panoramic, spectacular view overlooking the entire city.


San Francesco d’Assisi al Fopponino Church II Via Paolo Giovio, 41

發想自紙張的切割工藝, San Francesco d’Assisi al Fopponino教堂打破了人們對於信仰中心的既定印象。極為大膽的穿透式格窗塑造了隨著時間而遞變的光影交疊,也刻畫著 Gio Ponti對於形式與幾何的精準應用。

The unconventional cathedral was inspired by paper cut-outs. The asymmetrical, perforated details create interesting pattern of light and shadows.


Palazzo Borletti II Via San Vittore, 42

Palazzo Borletti是Gio Ponti同時醉心於現代主義與裝飾主義的代表性指標,鮮黃色的外牆格外顯眼,幾何造型窗台與門廊的裝飾細節都值得細細玩味。

It is the proof of Ponti’s equal love for modernism and ornamentation. The vivid color and whimsically incorporated geometrical details are great sophistication.

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