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Alexander McQueen 蜘蛛裝飾墨鏡

Alexander McQueen 輕量無邊圓框眼鏡發想自品牌珠寶系列設計。暗黑而瑰麗、充滿十足存在感的蜘蛛裝飾以施華洛世奇水晶與人造珍珠悉心製成,搭配時髦透色鏡片營造衝突美感,無論身穿絲質洋裝或墊肩西裝都能輕鬆配搭,兼具造型感與實用性。

Exuding Alexander McQueen’s innate dark glamour, these rimless sunglasses are intricately detailed with embellished spiders made from Swarovski crystals and encrusted faux pearls. This outrageously wearable pair goes with just about everything, from satin slip dress to masculine blazers.


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