醉心於墨西哥建築巨擘Luis Barragán對於形式與色彩美學上的自由思路,Blake Kuwahara新款 “Barrgan” 以縷空扇形細節創造格外均衡的空間感。特有框中框結構巧妙結合內與外的輪廓,恣意探索光影明暗變化間的各種可能性。
Inspired by Luis Barragán’s revolutionary modern architecture, Blake Kuwahara’s latest design pays homage to this Mexican visionary’s poetic imagination and free forms.
Integrating a distinctive cut-out details, Blake Kuwahara deconstructs the inner silhouette and continues to explore negative space of the frame, which achieves a balance between serendipity and accuracy.