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Blake Kuwahara “Gwathmey” 光學眼鏡

精準融合內與外的差異性,以獨到設計語言描繪別樹一幟的輪廓,Blake Kuwahara 視美學為根基,以專業的視光醫學背景為輔,為眼鏡愛好者打造兼顧造型與機能的風格提案。

發想自紐約建築巨擘 Charles Gwathmey 對於雕塑形式與內部空間的堅定探索,Blake Kuwahara “Gwathmey” 光學眼鏡結合輕盈不鏽鋼框面與層壓醋酸纖維鏡腳,能夠依照佩戴者的五官比例獨立調整,讓整體平衡與重量感更具可塑性,毫不費力地形塑鮮明個人形象。

Seamlessly merging inner structures and outer shapes to create unique silhouettes that have caught the eye, Blake Kuwhara’s deisgn will definitely set you apart from the crowd.

Made from lightweight stainless steel and laminated acetate, these “Gwathmey” glasses are inspired from Charles Gwathmey’s steadfast exploration of sculptural forms and internal volumes, the result is an ultra statement piece that will amp up your style effortlessly.

As seen on: IG @oneof.afind


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