醉心於弧線與曲度,巴西建築之父奧斯卡·尼邁耶的作品視現代主義的簡練與包容為核心,卻同時存有柔和線條與韻律,溢於其中的詩意一眼便能察覺。視光醫師/眼鏡設計師 Blake Kuwahara 鍾愛建築特有的視覺語言,此款 “Niemeyer” 鏡框象徵著對於尼邁耶的尊崇與致敬。框面上緣金屬鏡橋細節與灰牛角配色板材質感非凡,特有“框中框” 結構的製作流程更是耗時費心,鼻墊加高的設計也大幅提升了配戴舒適性。
Always taking the unconventional route when it comes to eyewear deign, these Blake Kuwahara's “Niemeyer” glasses are Inspired by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, the modernist concrete poet/king of curve’s visual language and contemporary perspective.
Blending two shapes into one through a laborious, handmade process, the streamline silhouette of this unique pair upholds a sleek and exquisite aesthetic, while the top bar construction and grey-ish horn acetate still make it extra standout and refreshing.