結合雕塑的藝術性與時裝設計,由已故傳奇時裝設計師Azzedine Alaia一手打造的同名品牌Alaïa以嚴僅耗時的工法與精湛剪裁,悉心描繪女體曲線之美。
Alaïa與Kering Eyewear協同合作的眼鏡系列呼應著品牌始終如一的美感與工藝價值,大尺寸框型與流線輪廓勾勒出風格獨具的魅力;高密度板材削成輕薄的結構,大幅減輕了鏡框的重量;框面內側的”Vienne”雷射雕花刻紋以幾何圖騰構成,是Alaïa配件系列的標誌設計。
收藏家/英國名媛Daphne Guinness受V Magazine專訪時配戴同款黑色墨鏡。
Reminiscent of Mr. Azzedine Alaïa's body-accentuating creations and sculptural approach, the re-launched Alaïa Eyewear Collection(produced in partnership with Kering Eyewear) are inspired by 1950’s refined aesthetic.
The streamline eye-shape and curvilinear temples are the metaphor of female form, while the exclusive high density acetate provides bold design with reduced thickness (up to 50%). The signature “Vienne” circles and triangles engraved pattern on the inside of the frame are signature details seen throughout the fashion house’s accessories.
Worn by Daphne Guinness