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Gucci Garden

無論你熱衷於探究歷史、喜愛時尚、又或是公認的精緻餐飲(fine dining)美食家,在佛羅倫斯的Gucci Garden都能獲得格外精彩的體驗。

這個距離佛羅倫斯領主廣場與烏菲茲美術館僅幾步之遙的複合空間原先是品牌博物館,在創意總監Alessandro Michele 一手改造之下,嶄新的Gucci Garden結合館藏豐富的展區、販售獨家商品的限定商店,以及提供道地義大利餐點與創意料理的餐廳。

猶如一場感官實驗,在二樓與三樓的展間,你能從珍稀的品牌文獻與琳瑯滿目的作品一眼領略Gucci自創立以來的軌跡,策展人Maria Lusia Frisa刻意不依年份陳列,而是透過聲響與影像跨越時間軸,讓不同時期的展物擁抱同樣的理念與故事;沿著樓梯而下抵達限定商店,琳瑯滿目的Gucci Garden系列時裝、包款鞋款與配飾都是僅此一家別無分號,出了大門哪裡都買不到,倘若旅行預算緊縮,也有幾十塊歐元的小紀念品(貼紙、火柴、音樂盒、筆記本等等)可供選擇;最後當然別忘了在Gucci Osteria滿足挑惕的味蕾,由米其林三星主廚Massimo Bottura掌管的Gucci餐廳提供全日餐飲,菜單內容都是出自於主廚周遊世界的靈感,悉心安排的擺盤與用餐環境更讓人心醉神迷。

Gucci Garden - 營業時間 展間藝廊/限定商店:週間10:00-19:30,週末10:00-20:00 餐廳:12:00-23:00 (訂位至20:00)

- 票價 成人票8歐元,學生優惠票為6歐元。 入場券售價的50% 將捐獻給助佛羅倫斯市協助修復工程。

If you are a museum goer, fashion enthusiast, or fine dining lover, satisfaction guaranteed. Gucci Garden is where you can lust and be inspired.

Located just a few steps away from the historic Piazza della Signoriaand Uffizi Gallery, under the creative direction of Alessandro Michele, Gucci Garden showcases the creativity of the fashion house’s Florentine origins from 1921. Archives, drawings, clothes, accessories, installations and also artworks commissioned by Gucci through the years are showcased and curated sophisticatedly but not chronologically by Maria Lusia Frisa over two levels; exclusive line of products feature the Gucci Garden label are available in the store which you can’t find elsewhere in the world; what’s more? How about complete your experience by satisfying your appetite? Gucci Garden also presents the one and only Gucci Osteria, an all-day dining restaurant launched by three Michelin star chef Massimo Bottura, where a menu inspired by Bottura’s travels will be served.

The next time you’re in Florence, don’t forget to make a stop at Gucci Garden, where you can explore, shop, dine with eyes wide open in such a multipurpose creative wonderland, and we believe you’ll understand the true meaning behind the process of “Guccification”.



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