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JEpoque // Customized Cotton Canvas Soft Eyewear Case by Diffuser Tokyo

JEpoque 與 Diffuser Tokyo 合作的客製款隨身眼鏡袋,以厚實耐用的輕量日本帆布所製成,能確保收納時鏡片不被異物刮傷,並減少鏡框歪斜變形的機會。

中央的 Logo 裝飾選用日本植鞣原色皮革,隨著時間產生顏色與表面質感的變化,將呈現越來越飽和的光澤。帆布最外層經特殊防潑水處理,有效避免水氣附著產生的髒污,強化耐用性。

Incorporating durable, lightweight Japanese canvas to create a versatile case for daily use, our customized soft eyewear case will protect the lenses from scratching and prevent the frames from breaking or getting bent out of shape. The logo is embossed on Japanese vegetable tanned russet leather, the color of the leather will gradually change over time, from natural to patina, then into a deep luxurious Saddle Tan. The water repellent coating will also block the case from the rain, snow, or spills.


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