La petite lunette rouge “Bojs Grooves”將熱賣款“Bojs”鏡框稍作改良,加寬的設計更適合亞洲臉型(單邊鏡框寬度為51mm)。框面兩側的刻紋遮罩不僅能夠修飾鏡片厚度,更增添一分猶如古董眼鏡的時髦懷舊造型感,簡約而有質感的雋永風格,方便搭配衣櫥裡的各種單品。
Slightly modifying its best-selling "Bojs" glasses, LPLR Eyewear presents the "Bojs Grooves," designed to be more suitable for wearers with wider faces (with a single frame width of 51mm). The engraved shield design on both sides of the frame conceals the thickness of the lenses and exudes a nostalgic appeal reminiscent of vintage glasses. The timeless, sophisticated style easily complements any ensemble.