以精湛裁縫技藝與全方位客製化服務揚名於世的義大利高級訂製男裝品牌Brioni是所有紳裝愛好者心目中的夢幻逸品,而眾所期待的Brioni Eyewear系列一樣秉持著品牌追求獨特、體現不凡的核心價值,以異材質應用與嚴謹製鏡工法體現崇高工藝精神,再次強調Brioni無從效仿、僅此一家的特殊性。
Brioni Eyewear夏季新款太陽眼鏡以罕見淺灰藍色鏡片著眼,搭配透亮板材與銀色金屬細節,室內室外皆可配搭。曾出演“夜行動物”、“水底情深”與“真愛旅程”而廣富盛名的好萊塢實力派男演員 Michael Shannon先前於坎城影展便是配戴此副鏡框,徹底展現別具態度的風格樣貌。
Renowned for its exclusivity and discretion with a refined Italian style, Brioni offers the best of comfort and visual protection as well. Incorporate the brand’s essence and heritage into a classic design, these sunglasses are an epitome of distinctive elegance. The unique grey-ish lenses go perfectly well with the crystal clear transparent acetate, while the silver-tone metal details exude a luxury appeal.
As seen on Michael Shannon, the Hollywood chameleon who emerges as one of the most versatile and ubiquitous actors with reputation on playing incredibly intense roles. ( Revolutionary Road, Boardwalk Empire, Nocturnal Animals, and The Shape of Water.)