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MYKITA // MYLON GUARD ONE 多功能防護眼鏡👩🏻‍🔬👨🏻‍🔬

與醫療從業人員共同測試開發,確保最全面的防護功能與優異舒適度,MYKITA 推出 MYLON GUARD ONE多功能防護眼鏡,讓日常防疫更為滴水不漏。

依據最高標準於德國製造,通過EN166和ANSI / ISEAZ87.1認證,在生產及測試過程均符合醫療標準,MYKITA MYLON GUARD ONE 內可配戴醫療口罩或醫用呼吸防護具,降低病毒感染風險;特殊的防霧塗層有效隔絕水氣,維持清晰視力。除此之外,MYLON GUARD ONE也可換成防護遮陽鏡,更能安全從事戶外活動。


MYKITA MYLON GUARD ONE is a multi-purpose, protective eyewear shield with anti-fog technology, developed with medical practitioners for optimal functionality and wearing comfort.

Worn with other Personal Protection Equipment, such as face and respiratory masks, the protective shield works to reduce the risk of viral infection. With exchangeable shields and a sporty design language, the versatile GUARD ONE can be worn as clear safety glasses or a sunshield with 100% UV protection.

🇩🇪Manufactured to the highest standards in Germany.


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