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MYKITA 2024-2025 全新視覺形象 “PURE LIGHTNESS”

回歸品牌純粹、輕盈的本質,MYKITA 全新視覺形象融合簡約線條、創新工藝、和諧輪廓與精緻色彩,為現代造型帶來全新詮釋

由新銳攝影師 Ben Beagent 掌鏡,在瑞典斯德哥爾摩群島優美的景緻之中拍攝完成,本季度的視覺形象完美演繹 MYKITA 純淨而內斂的特質,並彰顯其獨具辨識度的極簡美學


MYKITA's latest campaign celebrates the essence of lightness with a focus on clean lines, innovative constructions, balanced silhouettes, and refined colour compositions to inspire a new look. 

Photographed by Ben Beagent, shot and filmed in the Stockholm archipelago, with its crisp, clear light and raw scenery,the new campaign captures the pure, understated elegance and minimalist aesthetics that define MYKITA’s visual identity.



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