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By Mark Borthwick

相信自然光的力量,以鍾愛的底片式萊卡相機作為媒材,捕捉類比訊號特有的溫度,英國攝影師 Mark Borhwick 熱切溫暖、毫不刻意的影像風格從最真摯的意圖與品味出發,無須多餘的造型及妝髮,如此自在無為的創作模式與重視個人特質的 MYKITA 不謀而合。

長久以來的默契讓 Mark Borthwick 成為 MYKITA HAUS 的美學固定班底,形塑這個柏林品牌獨有的視覺語言,溫暖而自由,沐浴在日光下的美好畫面逐漸成為人們看見 MYKITA 時,浮現在腦海的既定聯想:一種摩登時髦、帶有當代家庭感的鮮明形象。

“眼鏡是表達自我態度的方式,甚至能夠成為個性的延伸,這是其他配件所沒有的特質”,MYKITA 在2020年的視覺形象中,藉由不同性別、年齡、種族的模特兒的詮釋,展現了這樣的主張。

每支鏡框就像是最自然又關鍵的催化劑,將葡萄牙郊區的絕美景致盡收眼底,這群 MYKITA 的友好夥伴們在Mark Borthwick的鏡頭前,留住最私密而愜意的群體記憶。


Believing in natural light and his trusted analogue Leica camera, the photographer Mark Borthwick is renowned for his warm, unaffected visual style. With an authentic approach and aesthetic that does without real styling or hair & make up, he has a modus operandi that fits with the truly personal aspect of MYKITA design. A long- time collaborator and friend of the MYKITA HAUS, Mark has shaped the visual language of the Berlin eyewear label. Full of warmth and spontaneity, his images have become a universal expression for the modern, familial spirit of MYKITA.


Eyewear is an expression or even extension of personality in the way that few other single wearable pieces can be. MYKITA explores this proposition in its character driven campaign for 2020 that presents the new collection via a most varied cast of charismatic personalities. The glasses play a natural role beside this troupe of compelling individuals, consisting mainly of MYKITA family and friends enjoying themselves with Mark on location in Portugal.



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