自2014年首度合作開始,MYKITA 與Maison Margiela之間的火花一而再、再而三地點亮了眼鏡與時尚迷心中的小宇宙。以解構主義打響名號的法國時裝指標Maison Margiela以精湛工藝技術與深厚藝術底蘊開創了讓人無法望其項背的奇異性,而“熱愛創新”這樣的共同價值更是兩方合作的最大交集,拿掉規則、破壞、切割、重塑,MYKITA 與Maison Margiela的結合,從鏡框的每個細節都能看出行雲流水的默契。
Aesthetic functionality is the ultimate goal, the archetypal structure and minimal silhouette reveal the core, MYKITA and Maison Margiela are linked by a shared concept of the creative process – the reinterpretation of historical forms, radical experimentation with constructions and an unconventional approach to materials.
Catpured by still life photographer Kate Jackling