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MYKITA + Maison Margiela - Raw Collection

粗邊鏡框能輕易塑造令人印象深刻的鮮明個人形象,卻讓渴望舒適感的佩戴者望之卻步。結合高端科技與嚴謹製鏡工法,MYKITA + Maison Margiela 聯名款“RAW”系列打破粗框眼鏡必然沈重的定律,以刻意不拋光的特殊板料為材,看似粗礦的表面揭露物料原始肌理,極簡卻堅實的結構格外輕盈,經由幾何切割的厚實邊框更能巧妙藏住鏡片厚度,帶來煥然一新的配戴體驗。


Whether you wear it with prescription lenses or just wear it for a statement, a pair of bold acetate frame can elevate your style without putting too much effort.

Crafted from raw, unpolished acetate, “RAW” Collection by MYKITA + Maison Margiela is the union of precision craftsmanship and innovative technology, showing the traces of the industrial manufacturing journey. Made from sturdy but lightweight acetate to hide a bit more of the thickness of your lenses, the “RAW” collection also pragmatically enhances ultra comfort.

With true square or slightly rounder shapes, “RAW” collection embraces distinctive aesthetic, the translucent colors reveal an ethereal visual effect, while the deliberately unfinished look lends a hint of understated subtlety.



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