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MYKITA + Maison Margiela 全新視覺形象

MYKITA + Maison Margiela 全新視覺形象以靜物畫面聚焦設計。單一銀色調空間與幾何場景配置在光影襯托下,一個能夠全然聚焦MYKITA + Maison Margiela 眼鏡系列的型格舞台就此開展。

以Maison Margiela的影像美學為基調,層層堆疊的不鏽鋼板充分展示各個新系列的設計理念,定調未來主義風格。簡練的靜態取景讓核心概念回歸作品本身,獨特的輪廓與結構性以及別出心裁的色彩配搭,都在金屬背景所帶來的光影對比與反射之間,構成相得益彰的和諧畫面。

Directional new eyewear design from MYKITA + Maison Margiela is featured in a product-focused still life campaign.

Monochromatic silver spaces with geometric structures shaped by light and shadow provide the backdrop for the new crop of eyewear pieces from MYKITA + Maison Margiela. Inspired by the visual codes of Maison Margiela, the readymade steel sheets provide a consistent element that brings the respective design concept of each capsule collection together.

The heroic, product-focused imagery uses contrast and reflections to create a modern high-end aesthetic with a futuristic twist. Sleek surfaces accentuate individual eyewear silhouettes and constructions; the consistent silver-metallic background lifts and harmonises with the different colourways.


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