MYKITA 獨家 MYLON 系列透過 3D 列印技術,將聚醯胺粉末聚合成輕盈堅韌、抗汗抗敏的特殊材質,搭配不銹鋼金屬鏡架,展現極致輕量化與耐用性。簡約而不簡單的設計具備鮮明的視覺存在感,適合各種風格需求,創造有別於以往的配戴體驗
圖中鏡框:Kolding in Navy / Guava in Storm Grey
Incorporating advanced 3D printed polyamide powder to create a lightweight, anti-sweat and hypoallergenic MYLON material, together with a stainless steel to craft a perfectly balanced and durable frame structure, MYKITA MYLON collection delivers exceptional performance and wearing comfort.
The minimal yet distinctive design caters to diverse styling preferences, making a perfect choice for individuals seeking eyewear that seamlessly combines functionality and aesthetics.