MYKITA STUDIO 10 系列重新描繪了女性堅軔與柔軟同時並存的特有樣貌。
以七零年代自由奔放的時髦裝束為題,獨創 LESSRIM 結構呈現近乎無邊框的視覺效果,搭配幾何切割粉彩透色鏡片,勾勒如寶石般的輪廓,即便沒有多餘的裝飾細節,依舊乘載著難以被忽視的魅力。
Presenting a new minimalist glam concept dominated by extra chunky lenses with bevelled edges in dreamy colors, MYKITA STUIO 10 redefines femininity in the best way possible.
The barely visible LESSRIM construction makes the thick lenses with gemstone-like facets and pale smoky tones the central feature, charging this flamboyant 70’s look with modern sensibility.