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MYKITA X Bernhard Willhelm 圓框墨鏡

對於機能與風格秉持著近乎偏執的追求,每一只MYKITA鏡框都值得細細探究。這款圓框墨鏡發想自Janis Joplin的自由靈魂,摒除繁冗多餘的設計細節,看似簡約的線條勾勒出絕不過時的經典輪廓。


MYKITA’s love for quality and design lies within every singe piece, and it is just so hard not to indulge in them. A modern ode to Janis Joplin’s hippie round shades, these MYKITA x Bernhard Willhelm sunnnies might look zero fuss at first sight, but they will definitely become your style hero that you can reach to whatever mood you are in that day.

They’ve created something that accentuate nothing but YOU, and that’s all that matters.


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