為紀念雙方長期以來的合作關係,MYKITA與時裝品牌Damir Doma於本季推出限量聯名款眼鏡與T-shirt套裝禮盒。
在19春夏巴黎時裝週時首度曝光的MYKITA / DAMIR DOMA 聯名禮盒內容包含一支CHARLOTTE或ACHILLES太陽眼鏡,以及一件摺紙為靈感,運用網版印刷製成的Damir Doma T-Shirt,附上具有別緻設計與獨立編號的包裝盒、鏡盒和證明書。
// 關於眼鏡
秉承MYKITA / DAMIR DOMA聯名系列獨有的多層次觀感,"CHARLOTTE”結合扁長框型與葉片狀鏡片,外型優美又具有個性。"ACHILLES"鏡面重疊了特大的Panto形狀和不規則六邊形,視覺效果突出,更能平衡臉部輪廓平衡。鏡框配色均為復古白與霧面黑色混搭。
// 關於T-Shirt
這款由Damir Doma設計的限量版T-Shirt 使用100%純棉,於義大利製造。每件T恤因應各別的準確線條摺疊後再用網版印刷,攤開後呈現不對稱的視覺效果。T-Shirt設計呼應了ACHILLES和CHARLOTTE太陽眼鏡款式,一樣擁有雙重形狀及黑白色元素。
// 關於本次合作
MYKITA / DAMIR DOMA聯名系列一向著眼於當代的、詩意的視覺語言。突破單一輪廓與色系的限制,藉由內與外、明與暗的對比演繹繁複而細膩設計意圖。MYKITA / DAMIR DOMA聯名的起自雙方皆著迷於探究物件的輪廓、顏色與材質。MYKITA致力透過結合工藝和先進科技的產品,為設計與製造業訂立新標準,而Damir Doma則以截然不同的形式表達自我風格,挑戰現代時裝的可能性。
MYKITA / DAMIR DOMA聯名款禮盒全台限量九組,歡迎至店試戴選購。
JEpoque BELLAVITA Boutique: 02 8780-6188
JEpoque Top City: 04 2254-5123
MYKITA and Damir Doma mark their long-lasting creative partnership with a limited edition set.
Introduced at a special presentation during Paris Fashion Week, the MYKITA / DAMIR DOMA limited edition set marks five years of creative collaboration. Comprising sunglass model CHARLOTTE or ACHILLES and an origami screen-printed Damir DomaT-shirt, the set comes in a specially designed and numbered gift box, complete with the respective eyewear case and a certificate of authenticity.
Geometric shapes intersect in the latest incarnation of the signature layered look from MYKITA / DAMIR DOMA. Sunglass model CHARLOTTE is a slim, rectangular model with an organic leaf-shaped outline – a poetic silhouette with individual identity. ACHILLES features an oversize panto-shape layered with an irregular hexagon for a standout look that is unex- pectedly harmonious in the face. Available in Antique White/Black.
Designed by Damir Doma, the limited edition T-shirt is made in Italy from 100% white cotton. Individually folded according to precise lines and then screen-printed, the T-shirt unfolds to reveal the print artwork. The T-shirt design references the ACHILLES and CHARLOTTE sunglass models, which also feature a double silhouette and a black/white colorway.
The MYKITA / DAMIR DOMA collaboration stands for a modern, poetic expression. Defined by pro- gressive and meticulously crafted steel constructions, the collection features bold designs in refined colour compositions. At the foundation of MYKITA / DAMIR DOMA lies a shared passion for the study of form, colour and surface. MYKITA strives to set new standards in design and manufacturing with products that combine handcraft and high technology. Damir Doma questions the modern wardrobe with garments that offer multiple expressions of identity.
Limited to 9 pairs per eyewear model in Taiwan, the MYKITA / DAMIR DOMA set will be available only at JEpoque.
For further inquiries please contact:
JEpoque BELLAVITA Boutique: 02 8780-6188
JEpoque Top City: 04 2254 5123