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Sauvage Eyewear 🇯🇵🇫🇷 Designed in Paris and Tokyo, handcrafted in Japan.


手工眼鏡品牌 Sauvage Eyewear 由來自巴黎與東京的團隊悉心打造,以當代製鏡工藝重新詮釋經典設計。最具代表性的款式”Le Samourai” 以大尺寸眉框輪廓形塑強烈造型感,清透高密度Takiron板材與客製化純鈦五金質感絕佳,鏡腳上則以日本傳統大麻葉圖騰雕刻飾紋做為點綴。

As seen on:專業髮型設計師 Handerson (EROS Hair styling)

Glasses define personality, no matter what kind of style you gravitate toward to, they become a part of you.

Sauvage Eyewear’s “Le Samourai” is a smart companion that amps up your look effortlessly, the retro yet refined design speaks for itself. The iconic brow-line silhouette encased in layers of cellulose based, transparent Takiron acetate with customized Titanium parts/finishes, adorn with traditional Japanese Asanoha (hemp-leaf) patterns embossed on the temples.

As seen on: Professional Hair Stylist Handerson Huang (Eros Hair Styling)



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