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巴黎的數位藝術之光 Atelier des Lumières

巴黎光之工坊美術館隱身於市中心時髦熱鬧的十一區(距離指標生活選物店Merci Paris僅步行幾分鐘路程)。原先是舊鑄鐵場,現則改建為佔地三千多平方米,挑高十米的寬廣展區。光之工坊美術館提倡以數位科技作為媒介,讓藝術作品越過時間與空間的限制,以相對主動的方式進入觀者感知,塑造截然不同的觀展體驗。

現正展出的新媒體展覽由私人藝術機構 Culture Space主導,以Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele 以及Friedensreich Hundertwasser的作品為主軸,藉由精心編排的高畫質數位投影及聲響配置,帶領觀者重回維也納表現主義流派盛行的黃金年代。

“沈浸式展覽(Immersive Exhibition)”一直是近期備受討論(甚至是爭議)的策展方式,比起傳統博物館及美術館,像這樣藉由光影及聲響互動所產生的新媒介確實能大幅觸及更為廣泛的群眾,削弱大眾與藝術鑑賞之間的籓籬,雖然形式變得更自由,間接產生一些無可避免的目的混淆行為(例如瘋狂自拍還大開閃光燈),但不可否認的是,猶如置身於作品之中的體驗,因精神與思緒的高度集中,讓你我無需成為專業策展人或創作者,都能獲得難以言喻美學震撼。


巴黎光之工坊美術館 38 rue Saint-Maur, Paris 展出至2019年1月6日

Inside the heart of Paris lies a treasure like no other.

Experiencing otherworldly beauty through your ocular and vestibular sense, and be prepared to be part of the paintings by entering an enormous room (a 10 meters high old foundry) with moving images projected on the walls, on the ceiling, on the floors and everywhere around you.

Produced by Culture Space, this immersive exhibition at Atelier des Lumieres devotes to the main figures in the Viennese art scene, including Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

Here you’ll witness the breakthrough in digital art using new mediums such as high-resolution video projection with well-produced soundscapes, it has untethered artworks from their geographical homes, and torn down the frontier between art and public, you really don’t have to be a connoisseur to feel the emotions.

Make sure to catch the last 3 months of chance to be part of this exhibition, and be ready to be amazed by the overloading sensory.

Atelier des Lumières

38 rue Saint-Maur, Paris Showing until January 6, 2019



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