建築巨擘柯比意鍾愛的Max Pittion “Maestro"光學眼鏡擁有歷久彌新的經典設計,厚實圓潤的板料經由製鏡職人悉心打磨呈現透亮光澤,獨特的線條結構戴上臉相當具有存在感。黃銅絞鍊象徵著歷經時光洗禮的歲月軌跡,從細節處就能體現正宗French Vintage風格。
Worn and adored by the architectural giant Le Corbusier, the "Maestro" optical glasses from Max Pittion boast a timeless classic design. Crafted from thick, rounded acetate, hand-polished by eyewear craftsmen, and featuring a unique structural silhouette with brass metal parts, these distinctive pairs embody authentic French vintage style down to the finest details.
Handcrafted in Japan based on the preserved documentation and original design archive.