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Caroline Issa 配戴MYKITA STUDIO 2.3

身為倫敦多領域季刊Tank Magazine主理人與時尚總監,以及今年蘇富比當代藝術拍賣會客座策展人,Caroline Issa在出版界的全方位發展不僅讓她成為品牌爭相合作討教的對象,精準的眼光與獨到品味更是各大場合鎂光燈焦點所在。

Caroline Issa 近日配戴的這款MYKITA Studio 2.3墨鏡運用特殊的幾何切角線條劃分顏色與質地上的差異,經由霧化處理的水銀鏡片呈現撞色效果,巧妙帶出裝飾主義風格的玩心與律動感。

As the fashion director /CEO of Tank Magazine, and the guest curator for Sotheby's Contemporary Curated art auction this year, Caroline Issa always teams up with the most creative minds in realm of fashion and art. Her multidisciplinary approach has made her become one of the most important global influencers in fashion industry.

Caroline Issa was spotted wearing a pair of MYKITA STUDIO 2.3 pants shaped sunnies in New York. The split-screen horizontal line highlights the art deco inspired design, which also makes it instantly recognizable.


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