專精於政治偵查領域,被譽為當代最偉大的媒體人之一,曾獲兩座普立茲獎殊榮的華盛頓郵報資深記者 Bob Woodward自四十年前揭發轟動全球的水門案醜聞事件開始,一再以信而有徵的報導直搗權力核心,藉由鋪天蓋地的證據搜集,鍥而不捨地追求公民知悉權,與當局者企圖惡意掩蓋的真相。
Bob Woodward近期受訪時配戴MYKITA “LESSRIM”系列“KAITO”光學鏡框,運用特殊表面處理技術製成僅0.5釐米不鏽鋼鏡圈,呈現猶如無框眼鏡的輕盈視覺效果,卻仍保有高度穩定性,確保鏡片不易滑動或碎裂,更實踐了“Less is more"的極簡美學。
In the realm of investigative journalism, Bob Woodward has the courage, authenticity and reputation like no other. The legendary two-time Pulitzer Prizes-winning reporter, the associate editor of Washington Post and 12 times #1 non-fiction bestselling author is best known for his work on the Watergate scandal which led to the eventual downfall of former U.S. President Richard Nixon. Being recognized as one of the most respected journalists of all time, he shows us the evidentiary purity of truth, and how to uncover it.
Bob Woodward was spotted wearing a pair ofMYKITA “Kaito” optical glasses. Only 0.5 millimetres wide, the stainless steel rim lies flush in the groove of the lens perimeter leaving a faintly shimmering outline with the help of latest advancements in surface treatment technology. It protects the lenses from loosening and breakage, while still upholds a defined sense of minimalism.