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那些戴著JuliusTart的人們 - Eero Saarinen

來自芬蘭長居於美國的的 Eero Saarinen 是20世紀具有象徵性意義的建築巨擘。其富有韻律、完美揉和形式與材質,並注入自然光線的空間創作至今仍被視為無可取代的當代經典。在建物之內,雕塑作品與傢俱設計也是 Eero Saarinen 的美感延伸之處。

Eero Saarinen 於1956年配戴著 Julius Tart 設計的眼鏡,在倫敦梅費爾美國駐英大使館內留影,這棟以幾何線條建構的現代主義建築是其生涯最廣富盛名的代表作之一。

Eero Saarinen, an architect, sculptor, furniture designer and a true visionary, who is recognized as one of the most prolific and iconic maestro of 20th-century architecture. His designs merged forms and textures, often filled with an abundance of light.

Eero Saarinen wore glasses designed by Julius Tart at one of his renowned work- former Embassy of the United States in London’s Mayfair in the 1950s.


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