Sauvage Eyewear 是日製眼鏡專家 Tommy O’gara 歷時兩年籌備推出的最新企劃。身為 Native Sons Eyewear 主腦及福井製鏡工坊 the LIGHT Co. Ltd. 創辦人,Tommy O’gara 深耕眼鏡產業數十年,在潮流圈內的好人緣更讓他不間斷地與品牌跨領域交流,包括 ACRONYM , Ron Herman , visvim 與 WACKO MARIA 都是他攜手合作的對象。
由巴黎與東京的團隊共同執行,Sauvage Eyewear 著眼於日本與法國近四百年來在藝術、建築、時尚與各種生活層面的文化交流,簡練而大膽的法式美學與細緻日式工法吐露出最精彩的設計語彙。每一支 Sauvage Eyewear 的鏡框皆在日本手工打造,選用光澤飽和、色彩獨一無二的 Takiron 板材與客製化純鈦五金,特殊釉彩細節與發想自日本傳統大麻葉圖騰的幾何鑽石狀雕刻飾紋都讓人深深著迷。除此之外,Sauvage Eyewear 精美的包裝也別具可看性,紅黑撞色的日製皮革收納盒柔軟輕盈,出自神奈川縣厚木市的皮革工坊。黑色綁帶則在東京的工作室手工編織完成,兼顧美型與機能,為日常外出收納增添便利性。
Designed in Paris and Tokyo, handcrafted in Japan, Sauvage Eyewear is the latest project by Tommy O’gara, the brain child of Native Sons Eyewear and the founder of TheLIGHT Co. Ltd., a cutting edge studio producing high-quality and environmentally friendly hand-drawn eyewear with the most coveted client list in the industry including Acronym, Ron Herman, Visvim and Wacko Maria.
Inspired by the 400 years of cultural exchange between France and Japan, Sauvage Eyewear utilizes designs from the two cultures using cellulous-based acetates by Takiron, customized Titanium parts and finishes, lacquering details and traditional Japanese Asanoha (hemp-leaf) patterns.
Each pair of Sauvage Eyewear comes with leather case handmade in Atsugi-si, Kanagawa with strands hand-braided in the studio in Tokyo.