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Two Become One: Blake Kuwahara Eyewear

Blake Kuwahara is a brand with a solid overarching design philosophy: Eyewear that is artful yet wearable.

Blake Kuwahara象徵著一個堅定而宏觀的設計哲學:一支鏡框應具備獨一無二的藝術價值,以及毫不刻意的實用性。

日裔美籍設計師Blake Kuwahara是當今眼鏡產業難得的全才型指標代表,原先是一名穿著白袍執業、畢業於加州大學柏克萊視光學院並擁有加州大學洛杉磯分校生物心理學極優等榮譽學士學位的眼科視光醫師,在專業醫療領域工作了三年半後因嚮往著能夠更貼近美學與創意的工作,毅然決然卸下視光醫師身份,跨足眼鏡設計。

Blake Kuwahara毫不流俗的獨到品味有目共睹,各大 時尚及新聞媒體平台都能看見他的蹤跡。憑藉著與生俱來的美感及在視光領域的學術背景,Blake Kuwahara 曾獲得多項國際性指標設計大獎,也曾與時裝品牌如Carolina Herrera, Isaac Mizrahi, John Varvatos, Coach跨界合作,更擁有美國時裝設計師協會(CFDA)永久榮譽成員資格。

帶著深耕於眼鏡產業多年的豐富歷練,Blake Kuwahara延攬多名建築師、平面設計師、藝術家與公關人才,創辦Focus Group West品牌顧問公司,業務範疇囊括企業識別、室內設計、零售管理與產品研發。更在眾所期待之下推出了同名眼鏡品牌, 結合具岩礦光澤的醋酸纖維板料,與精湛純粹的日製手工,Blake Kuwahara Eyewear運用相當費時的熱壓技術,重塑膠框的層次樣貌,獨創特有的”框中框”結構,徹底體現非同一般的美學視角。


Being recognized as one of the preeminent design maven in eyewear industry today, Blake Kuwahara is the founder and creative director of FOCUS GROUP WEST (FGW), the Los Angeles-based, multi-disciplinary design firm that consisting of eyewear experts, architects, graphic designers, and a PR team who work together to create and bring brands to market with a singular vision and voice.

Kuwahara, who has a Doctorate of Optometry degree with High Honors from the University of California, Berkeley and a BS in Psychobiology with Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude distinctions from UCLA, went on to first work in a private practice in Manhattan Beach, CA

Drawn to the more creative side of the optical field, Kuwahara opted for another path. He left the clinical arena after 3 and half years and became an eyewear designer. It’s the best way to fuse his aesthetic with professional background. His eponymous eyewear collection “Blake Kuwahara” is a result of highly original and sophisticated designs, crafted in superb materials.

Kuwahara’s bold experimentation and innovation have gained him a following in the fashion media and has been profiled in Vogue, ELLE, Bazaar, GQ, In Style, and Esquire and has been seen on E!, Access Hollywood, MTV, and CNN.  Kuwahara has also collaborated extensively on eyewear collections for John Varvatos, Carolina Herrera, Isaac Mizrahi, Hanae Mori, and Coach. 

Kuwahara is a longstanding member of the prestigious Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA). He has garnered a multitude of awards for his designs including “Best of Category in Consumer Products” from I.D. magazine,  “Silmo d’Or”, and the “Silmo d’Or – Prix Special Journalists de Mode”.



Blake Kuwahara “Gwatmey" in red and “Lifesaver” in berry.

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